Skin Allergy, Itching On Skin – Allergic skin or itching of the skin there are varying colors, but not all rashes that itch associated with skin allergies. The most common type of allergic skin rashes include atopic dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema, contact dermatitis, and diseases like.
Allergy skin type Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Atopic dermatitis often occurs in children, although in young adults is also common and can continue into adult life. The rash of atopic dermatitis occurs where a person is exposed to scratches. In infants, the rash occurs on the cheeks chest, and scalp. Older children and adults usually have a rash on the skin folds of the elbows and behind the knee, although it may also occur on the face, neck, hands, legs and back. The rash is red, often flakes or oozes, and small blisters or bumps. It often happens excoriations or allergic skin damaged areas of aggressive scratching.
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