Comparing IPhone 4S Battery With Other Phones – The iPhone 4S problem of battery drain has been a hot topic since last week. Apparently, the service tracking system iOS 5 is primarily responsible for the rapid loss of the battery. Apple has acknowledged the situation and released a beta version of IOS 5.0.1, an update that fixes the problem. But the iPhone 4S is not the only smartphone with the battery life boring. As my colleague Jared Newman says, “sucking batteries smartphones.” For example, when lightning HTC and Samsung Charge began earlier this year, customers reported a poor battery life of each phone was hung in Verizon’s 4G network. We wanted to see how the iPhone 4S compared to other top smartphones (for a complete list, see table below). Since this is a simple comparison of the sample is not the last word in the life of the battery of tests. For this article, we used the AT & T version of the iPhone 4S, your mileage may vary depending on your operator. We return to these tests once iOS 5.0.1 was released to the masses, and we will compare the iPhone 4S against the soon-to-be-released Motorola Razr and the Galaxy Droid Nexus, both from Verizon. In our next series of tests also include the latest BlackBerry models, as well as the combination of Windows Phone.
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